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become a




Say bye-bye to overwhelm & anxiety, start saying HELLO to dollar dollar bills…


“I earned 30k more working less this year!”

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Lauren Barton
I used to work 12 hour days, 6 days a week. Double booking, having an assistant. I was exhausted. I’ve since cut back my hours, increased my income by 30K and enjoy life outside of work again. My only stress is what I will do with my free time.
— Lauren Barton, West Virginia USA

I started charging for my consultations

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Jen Shattuck
I’ve already made the same amount of money this year as I did last year and there is still 4 month to go! Plus I finally started charging for my consultations and implemented a cancellation policy to remind my clients my time is worth something.
— Jen Shattuck

free resources

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7 essential steps to getting clients

start growing your clientele today with these easy to implement steps that will have clients knocking down your door for an appointment

the simple 3-step strategy to confidently enforcing your policies. free workshop

learn how to confidently enforce your policies [without the nervous sweats]

maybe you’ve got a cancellation policy but no one seems to follow it, or your clients continue to walk all over you and you are sick of it. Whatever your frustration, this 50-minute class will change the way your clients respect you (without any scary confrontation, pinky promise!)

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confidently implement your next increase

it’s no secret that the fear of clients reactions is the scariest part of raising your prices, grab this free template & script to melt all that stress away!

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Dawn Bradley working with a hair client

change your life, your business and your bank account

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Jump on in to my free education. It’s always jam packed with stress-free steps that are gonna change the way you work forever.

It doesn’t matter if you’re brand new or a season pro you’re gonna wanna give me a big ol’ hug when you realize what you’ve been missing.

What are you waiting for friend? Start effortless grow your clientele or ditch the stress of raising your prices. Grab one or grab both, just don’t leave empty handed.

No overwhelm allowed, promise.


join the stress free life


get fully booked in under 12 weeks

I’ve taken what I learned from building a clientele 6X all over the world and put together the the no fail steps to get booked quickly with clients who trust you, respect you and pay you. ONLY $37


The Business Building BLueprint

whether you’re new to the biz or a seasoned pro this is what every stylist need to build and maintan a successful stress free business.

Your Step-by-Step Guide to Calm, Peaceful Client Interactions

find out the secrets to communication and how it will bring you better clients, make you more money, and WAY LESS stress

hey YOU!

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I’m Dawn.

A Canadian gal from the prairies living out my dreams. A podcaster, educator and hairstylist. I help others chase their dreams, make good money and still have work-life balance.

I’m a huge fan of nachos, I could eat them every day. And snuggling with my pup is pretty much heaven.


come hang with me…

watch, read & listen

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