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all the things that make my life & biz better!


check out my amazon affiliate page to see my MUST HAVE books, products and more to living a stress free life


Click on the images to check out these amazing tools & products I use regularly and love!


Schedule Your Social Media

I have been using later since 2016, and for someone who social media really affects my mental health, this has been a god send for my well being

stay organized

I resisted asana, and was so confused by it in the beginning, but Louise makes is fun and so much easier the way she explains it. My entire business and personal life is in asana now. No more having to remember anything. Its all in there and set to the frequency of reminders I need

Know your costs

I remember Alicia (Salon Scale CEO) sharing this idea with me years ago, To be able to know exactly what your services product costs are is the most valuable tool to being able to have a profitable career. Grab 10% off with code Dawn10

The easiest editing software

this has been a social media content. podcast, and youtube game changer! Its super easy and SOOO much fun!

wanna coach & teach

kajabi is the easiest all in 1 tool to have your online coaching, and teaching online. A game changer to make your life SOOO much eaiser

a stunning website

ready to have an eye catching website that your clients can’t help but book in with you from? check out websites that wow, Louise breaks it all down so simply and easy I couldn’t believe I was able to do it on my own

sell things easy

ready to make a sales page that sells your services, classes or products? Amandas sales page in a day is affordable and super fun and easy to do


life style favs


Best Protien Shakes

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Yummy healhthy Hot Chocolate

Organifi Gold is MY fav replacement for hot chocolate and its good for me and my bloated tummy :-) Check it out save on your first order when you use this link!

Best Luggage

I found Mono’s after 3 years of searching for the best luggage and I’m obsessed, I have the carry on plus & check in medium in black. And the metro duffle & metro folio kit in .