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Welcome to the anxious creative podcast

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I haven’t heard an episode I didn’t love, I appreciate all you do for the industry!
— Kelsey Sebo, hairstylist
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Dawn Bradley

I know I’m not the only creative out there who struggles with anxiety.

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But I’m pretty sure we can all agree that it sucks.

For a long time I felt so alone in my struggles. Like no one understood what I was feeling. I found the more I spoke up about it the more I connected with others just like myself. That’s why I’ve created this space, so you can come hang out while I chat about everything from business to relationships and all the awkward and interesting inbetweens of living a creative life. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you’ll for sure cringe at an inside look of the life of an anxious creative.

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Hot damn this podcast is on fire


hey YOU!

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I’m Dawn.

A Canadian gal from the prairies living out my dreams. A podcaster, educator and hairstylist. I help others chase their dreams, make good money and still have work-life balance.

I’m a huge fan of nachos, I could eat them every day. And snuggling with my pup is pretty much heaven.

Dawn Bradley and her dog Walter

join the stress free life


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This is your answer. Get the best clients booking, trusting and paying you!


The Business Building BLueprint


what every stylist need to build and run a successful business.

The policy pathway

Your Step-by-Step Guide to Calm, Peaceful Client Interactions

Build trust, respect, loyalty, and authority with your clients.


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