How To Embrace Change For Healing & Growth

A pile of stones sit in front of a grey background. The most prominent stone at the top of the pile has the word "healing" written on it. Text overlay reads "signs you are healing"

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“Healing is not a one-time event”

I’m coming atcha with a raw and vulnerable post from my kitchen. I didn’t know if I was going to share this episode, but after some thought, I realized that 1) perfectionism isn’t real and 2) someone out there might really benefit from this episode. 

Let’s be honest, sometimes the ebbs and flows of life can feel daunting. 

Season of Change

I recently wrapped up enrolment for my signature online program, Rock Your Business and I am POOPED! I’ve spent the last couple of days taking care of myself so that I can show up for my new students. 

I’d be lying if I told you I didn’t love learning. I’m addicted to learning. But I’m allergic to implementation. That’s where I struggle. 

I’ve always had an interest in self-improvement, in learning and growing and wanting to be a better version of myself. In some instances, I’ve taken it to an unhealthy point. 

So, in learning from the past I took a break from learning to focus solely on the implementation.

I realized that I needed to slow down and practice what I preach so that I can show up for the people I want to help. 

And taking the time to implement has been great. But I’m excited to dive into the next season of growth. 


Part of that growth for me is reading some new books. I’ve recently become obsessed with the author Brianna Weist who has some amazing books about healing. 

You might know that I’ve been through a few things in my life and I’m working a lot behind the scenes on healing myself. 

One of my favourite bits from Brianna’s book, “When You’re Ready, This is How You Heal” is learning that healing is not a one-time event, even though it can begin with a one-time event. 

Nearly 3 years ago I lost my soulmate, friend and pup, Leroy. And that has been a pain that I never wanted to experience. I’ve had some tough seasons in the past, I’ve been going through things that I haven’t shared publicly (and that’s okay - you don’t have to share everything). 

When talking with my friend the other day about healing I reminded her “you’re allowed to feel joy and sadness at the same time”. And I realized that I also needed that reminder. 

You don’t have to feel guilty for having emotions, humans are complex beings. You’re allowed to feel two things at once and it’s not “bad” or “wrong”. 

I had to remind myself this just the other week. I was so excited to be welcoming the new RYB students in but I also had some deep sadness going on behind the scenes. 

The conflict of the emotions can be hard to carry and it can make it difficult to lean into the excitement. 

I want to remind you that whatever it is you may be going through right now, I want you to allow yourself to take a deep breath and know that it’s okay to feel all the things. 

You are human and healing is not linear. 

This might be the most impromptu podcast I’ve ever done. I hope you enjoyed it. 

If you liked this and you want more random convos from the kitchen why don’t you shoot me a DM over on Instagram @dawnbradleyhair? I seriously love hearing from you.

Let’s be besties?