My 3 Secrets To Becoming A More Decisive Person

A sunset in the background casts a shadow over a large sign post with multiple signs pointing in various directions. Text overlay reads "How to Confidently Make Decisions"

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"You know you've made the right decision because you made a decision."

Oh my goodness, you are in for a treat! If you've ever struggled with making decisions, whether that be standing at the crossroads, choosing what to eat for dinner or even just deciding how to spend your day, this episode is for you.

I know I can get so easily overwhelmed with decisions and end up in "decision paralysis" where I don't know what to choose and I fee like no matter what choice I make, it's gonna be the "wrong" one.

Let's be honest, sometimes we just wish someone else would make the decision for us, am I right? That's why I'm bringing you this very special post all about decisiveness.

At the end of this post, you'll walk away knowing:

  1. the real fear holding you back from making a decision

  2. what to do when decision fatigue appears

  3. how to confidently make decisions with my 3 tips

Buckle up and let's dive in.

The Definition of Decisive

The definition of decisive is: "having or showing the ability to make decisions quickly and effectively. A person who always makes up their mind firmly and quickly"

How great would it feel to be able to make up your mind firmly and quickly?

If you're anything like me, you might find yourself often falling into the spiral of "what ifs" when it comes to making a decision.

Thoughts like:

  • What if I make the wrong decision?

  • What if I miss out on something?

  • What if... what if... what if...

Leave you stuck in the in-between of stress and anxiety that you simply decide not to make a decision. Which is actually making a decision.

How often do decisions get made for us because we're too scared and we choose not to make a decision?

By choosing not to be decisive you're actually giving up control of what you want. It's a lot worse to not make a decision and be left wondering what if you would've made the decision.

A quote that will stay with me forever is: "You know you've made the right decision because you made a decision."

The Real Fear

A lot of times we choose not to make a decision because we're scared. We may be scared of the unknown, of leaping before we know where we'll land. Or we may be scared of failure.

Or maybe... we're scared of being embarrassed. Of feeling shame or humiliation.

I realized I was so terrified of feeling humiliated that I choose to stay indecisive and I didn't take steps towards the things I wanted and dreamed of.

I would get trapped in the "what ifs" and I'd see too many options and want to plan the whole thing. This would leave me overwhelmed, stressed and stuck in decision paralysis.

It's important to know that you'll never get rid of the "what ifs". At the end of the day, you can only control what you decide and what you decide after that.

3 Secrets to Becoming Decisive

#1: Stop trying to be a psychic

Stop trying to plan and figure out what's going to happen.

Remember, it's okay to change course after you've made a decision if it veers you off your path. It's okay to readjust.

You don't have to have all the answers to start something.

#2: Pull the trigger

Just make the decision! If you stay in the in-between you'll never move forward.

#3: Be stubborn about your decision, and stay humble

Don't waiver once you've made your decision. Be firm and stubborn about the decision.

But also be okay with the fact that if things don't work out, if you hit road blocks or come to detours, you can still get to your destination.

Remember, you know that you've made the right decision because you've made a decision.

There is no perfect recipe for figuring out the future or the best path to take. The only thing you can do is make a decision.

Believe it or not, decision-making is actually a skill you can learn!

And when you do learn, you’ll feel so much more powerful in your own life. It’s worth the discomfort. You got this!

Let’s be besties?