Posts in business
3 Money Habits Every Business Needs to Prepare for Recession

We’re constantly being bombarded with contradicting messages from different places. We’re told to “be scared” and “do this” and we see so many people saying one thing and others doing it a completely different way.

I want to give you permission right now that the best thing you can do to prepare for a recession is not to stress out. It’s important to keep yourself calm.

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3 Simple Ways To Invest in Yourself & Build A Better Life

Let’s be honest, investing in yourself is really nerve-wracking. Jodie isn’t shy to admit that she was a little anxious to invest in herself.

Before Rock Your Business, she had only invested in marketing education. She had taken a few Instagram courses, and some marketing theory classes, but had never invested in anything to help her put structure in her business.

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How To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Stepping out of your comfort zone is the key to getting to the place you want to go. You’re never going to feel ready. I don’t want you to wait until the moment that you feel “ready” or the moment when everything is “perfect”, because, friend, you’ll be waiting forever.

There is never going to be a perfect time or scenario, there’s never going to be a way to predict the results.

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3 Ways To Improve Your Money Mindset For Financial Stability

Let’s be honest, money can sometimes feel dirty (and I don’t mean literally, although that’s definitely true…). How often have we been taught that “money is the root of all evil”?

And part of that sleazy feeling around money has to do with the fact that nobody talks about it. And when nobody talks about it, it makes us think we’re entirely alone in it.

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The Success Wheel: Discover All The Parts Needed To Account For Your Success

I want you to remember that you never want to stop attracting ideal clients and that your ideal client will change as your career grows and changes too.

Your ideal client isn’t necessarily going to be the same person that it was at the very beginning of your career. This is the main reason why you need to look at your career as a cyclical process and not a linear one.

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