The Success Wheel: Discover All The Parts Needed To Account For Your Success

A sunset casts a shadow over a person jubilantly raising their arms a large mountain is in the background. Text overlay reads "the truth about success"

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the goal is not to get clients to stay with you forever

Curious about the secret to success? I’ll give you a hint - it has to do with your ideal client. 

I’m diving deep into an important topic: The Success Wheel.

After reading this post, you’ll walk away knowing:

  • How to attract your ideal client

  • That success isn’t a linear process

  • You can pave your own path to success

Buckle up friend and get ready to learn about:

The Success Wheel

In the beauty industry and as service providers, it can be scary to make changes. Whether we’re scared to lose customers, or we’re stuck in the “old school” ways that the customer is always right. It’s scary to think about losing all that we’ve gained. 

We’ve spent so much time working hard to build our clientele and grow and develop the business that we have that it’s scary to make changes if it means possibly upsetting a client. 

“What if I make this change to better myself and my career and it actually ends up hurting me?”

This is the problem that comes with viewing your career as a linear process. 

A Cyclical Process

How often have you avoided conversations or making changes in your career because you’re scared you’re going to lose clients? And how often are those clients who already drive you nuts?

You know that there are clients that you want to get rid of and yet you’re still bending over backwards for them, always giving them what they want because you’re more scared of conflict than you are of getting what you want. 

I want you to reframe the way you think of your career. 

Your Career Success Wheel: in the center is "attracting ideal clients" all around the wheel in equal parts are: new policies, hiring staff, going independent, raising your prices, getting promoted, education

Attracting Clients

At the very center of the success wheel is “attracting clients” and all around it are the things that we do in our career that we have to continue to do. 

I want you to remember that you never want to stop attracting ideal clients and that your ideal client will change as your career grows and changes too. 

Your ideal client isn’t necessarily going to be the same person that it was at the very beginning of your career. This is the main reason why you need to look at your career as a cyclical process and not a linear one. 

Clients come into your business for a reason, a season or a lifetime. 

You might have some clients who stay with you from day one until the day you retire, and that’s amazing. That being said, you might have a client who’s only in your chair for an occasion, or a short period of time. 

Knowing that the goal is not to get clients to stay with you forever, but to continue to attract people who are perfect for where you’re at in your career right now.  


I’d encourage you to reevaluate at every stage of your career: who is the perfect client that should come see me right now?

And yes, you will lose people with every new stage. But that shouldn’t scare you or hold you back. 

When you know how to continually attract ideal clients, you’ve got that momentum and it doesn’t feel like a huge amount of work. Once you’ve got the cycle down and you make it a habit in your business, creating an autopilot of consistently attracting ideal clients, you don’t have to worry about creating a big push after you make a change.

When you create a system to help you build a business that is minimal effort, you stop fearing the changes and confidently embrace them. 

Maintaining momentum is a lot easier than completely restarting.

I want to encourage you to start thinking about your business as a cyclical journey, rather than a linear one. 

I hope you’re walking away knowing the parts in your business that will lead you to success. Remember, you get to pave your own way to success. You get to attract the kind of clients you want to attract for whatever stage of career you’re in.

Success is all about how you define it. It’s not about anyone else’s definition of it. 

If you’re going to start viewing your career as a cyclical journey, I’d love to hear from you and do a happy dance, shoot me a DM over on Instagram @dawnbradleyhair, I seriously love hearing from you. 

Until next time, friend.

Let’s be besties?