When Sh*t Hits the Fan (Hairstylist Edition) with Shaleen Hauck

Business and life have their ebbs and flows, especially when you’re an anxious creative! 

Today, I’m talking with one of my mentees, Shaleen Hauck, about how to deal when shit hits the fan.

Shaleen has been a hairstylist and esthetician for 20 years. She started as a shampoo girl when she was 12! She now owns a salon and privately coaches other beauty professionals. She’s also a wine connoisseur, and we’re totally going to party together in Vegas when COVID is over!

Shaleen and I have been working together for just over a year, and it’s been so amazing to see her make some major shifts in her business despite a massive tax bill, COVID, and getting laid up with a broken foot! 

You’re going to feel so inspired by listening to Shaleen’s story and wisdom, and you’ll leave this episode ready to kick ass in your own business! 

Business and life have their ebbs and flows, especially when you're an anxious creative! Today, I'm talking with one of my mentees, Shaleen Hauck, about how to deal when shit hits the fan. Shaleen has been a hair stylist and esthetician for 20 years. She started as a shampoo girl when she was 12!

Business and life have their ebbs and flows, especially when you're an anxious creative! Today, I'm talking with one of my mentees, Shaleen Hauck, about how ...

Here’s what you’ll hear in this episode:

  • How Shaleen got into beauty and transitioned from esthetics to hair and moved from rural Alberta to Vancouver to Kelowna. (There’s a reason she used to be called the Hair Gypsy!)

  • Why hating the industry and hating the environment are NOT the same thing. 

  • How to stop focusing on how people perceive you and instead focus on how you feel. 

  • How Shaleen knew it was time to open her own salon. (And how fate pushed her into it before she was ready to pull the trigger.)

  • Why business ownership often isn’t as glamorous and dreamlike as you think, and how to shift the balance. 

  • Why breaking her foot was actually the best thing for her business and sanity.

  • Our thoughts on the stigma about our industry and why you aren’t “just a hairdresser.”

  • Her biggest AHA moments from when we first started working 1:1

If you get one thing out of this episode, I hope it’s this: Success is not linear. Mine sure wasn’t, and Shaleen’s wasn’t. You’re going to experience those ups and downs, those ebbs and flows.

And sometimes, it’s going to take a major setback like a broken foot or a freaking pandemic to give you that kick in the butt you need to make necessary changes in your business

As I love to say, a setback paves way for the biggest comeback. And Shaleen lives this! 

I loved this conversation so much and I know you’ll learn a ton from this episode! For more Shaleen, give her an Insta follow @shaleenhauckhair, and check out her salon and private coaching! 

You can also listen and subscribe to The Anxious Creative on iTunes, Google Play and Spotify.