Posts in Success Stories
3 Simple Ways To Invest in Yourself & Build A Better Life

Let’s be honest, investing in yourself is really nerve-wracking. Jodie isn’t shy to admit that she was a little anxious to invest in herself.

Before Rock Your Business, she had only invested in marketing education. She had taken a few Instagram courses, and some marketing theory classes, but had never invested in anything to help her put structure in her business.

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How To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Stepping out of your comfort zone is the key to getting to the place you want to go. You’re never going to feel ready. I don’t want you to wait until the moment that you feel “ready” or the moment when everything is “perfect”, because, friend, you’ll be waiting forever.

There is never going to be a perfect time or scenario, there’s never going to be a way to predict the results.

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How to Beat Anxiety While Taking Big Risks

Today I’m talking to one of my INCREDIBLE Rock Your Business students, Lauren Barton! I wanted to chat with Lauren because she turned her entire business around in a very short time, which transformed her life and prepared her for this insane pandemic we’re all experiencing right now.

When I first met Lauren, she was working 50+ hours per week, educating for a brand, and doing all her own marketing. She was double booked, had zero downtime, and hadn’t raised her prices since opening her own salon years earlier.

Now, Lauren has doubled her prices and only works four days per week! She let go of her assistant, opened an online shop, and streamlined all her business systems.

Lauren is an amazing example of what you can achieve with a little bit of guidance and determination. Now, I know it’s easy to listen to interviews and think “That’s so inspirational! Too bad I could never do that.” Well guess what? Lauren used to think that too, and now she’s that person on the podcasts inspiring everyone else.

Listen in to our conversation about big change and all the anxiety and exhilaration that comes with it.

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People first, Environment Second (How to Go Green In Your Salon)

Welcome back to another episode of The Anxious Creative Podcast! I’m so pumped that you’re here. This is another episode loaded with goodness.
I have an amazing guest who went through Rock Your Business and is doing some incredible things. Let’s dive into this episode with Shyloh (she’s seriously one of the most positive people I’ve ever met, you need to get to know this kick-a** chick)!

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Moving Past Breaking Even as a Hairstylist

Holy moly, friend! Welcome to 2021. It’s been a wild ride but we finally made it!

I’m so excited for you to listen in to today’s episode, I’ve got a super special guest, Sam Stevens. Sam is not only a wonderful friend, but also an RYB Alumni who got up to some pretty incredible things last year, right in the middle of a pandemic.

This is a jam-packed episode and you are going to love Sam’s story!

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How to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Oh my gosh, I’m so excited for you to dive into this episode of The Anxious Creative Podcast. I’ve got a special guest, Sarah Mitchell. She’s an RYB Alumni, a rad stylist and one of the coolest people I know (we also might be long-lost twins).

She joined Rock Your Business in July, right in the middle of a pandemic, and she’s been making huge waves in her business.

You are going to love this.

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How to Stand Up for Yourself

I’m so excited to bring you another episode of The Anxious Creative with special guest, an RYB Alumni and Mastermind member, Rebecca Anthony.

I’ve seriously been waiting for this episode for SO long.

Rebecca’s been a fan of the show since its inception 2 years ago. (For those OG listeners, you might recall that my show hasn’t always been called The Anxious Creative).

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Making Big Moves In Business

We’re back at it again with another awesome episode of The Anxious Creative.

This week I’ve got my friend and student Jen Shattuck from Oregon coming to chat about moving across the country, learning new techniques and following your dreams.

She’s been in the hair industry for 14 years (a little longer if you count schooling). She had an amazing opportunity to start cosmetology education in high school. Before she took the class she could barely paint her nails or do makeup, she didn’t know anything about cosmetology!

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The Future of Salon Ownership - Doing Business Differently with Livia Potratz

Today I’m so excited to chat with Livia, one of my students and a kickass stylist and business owner.

Get this: She graduated from hair school in 2018 and opened her first salon in 2019. AND she hired her first employee. She’s also quadrupled her income in the past two years, and she’s only 20!

To top it all off, she even lives in my hometown and we graduated from the same high school just a *few* years apart! (Okay, more like, 20 years apart...but I digress).

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