How To Be Confident & Hold Yourself Accountable

Sunny yellow background border around a group of four people in casual businesswear smiling and leaning against wall, black text underneath reads "how accountability increases your self-confidence"

Are you lacking confidence in your business? Do you have big goals you want to achieve but find you aren’t making much progress? Then keep reading, friend, because it’s time to learn how confidence and accountability go hand in hand to achieve your goals. 

Keep reading and you’ll walk away knowing how to:

  • Improve your confidence through community

  • Confidently achieve your goals

  • Find accountability to maintain momentum

By learning how to boost your self-confidence, you'll gain the motivation to take action and stay accountable to your goals. 

Buckle up, friend and let’s dive in…

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How To Improve Your Confidence & Self-Esteem with Accountability

There’s no denying that confidence is important. Not only in our day-to-day lives, but also in our businesses. 

While knowing that is important, actually HAVING confidence is a completely different story. 

Maybe you’ve found the confidence to implement something new in your business once or twice, but you can’t seem to stick with it or stay accountable to yourself

Why Is Being Self-Confident So Hard?

It’s difficult to have confidence in yourself. Especially in our modern world where you’re surrounded by people who seem to have it all figured out. 

How often have you found yourself thinking “what’s even the point?”

It can be easy to stay small and never make any changes. Staying in our comfort zone can feel safe and no one really likes to be uncomfortable. 

But have you ever reached a goal and felt that overwhelming feeling of pride?

By creating a habit out of confidence and accountability it can make a world of difference. 

I’ll even let ya in on a little secret, that proud feeling of accomplishing a goal can even become a little addicting. So much so that you wanna keep achieving goals so you can feel it again. 

Boost Your Confidence & Self-Esteem

Before joining Rock Your Business, Jen was seriously lacking confidence. She knew there was a lot of room for improvement. She’d been holding herself back from raising her prices because she didn’t believe her clients would be willing to pay over a certain amount. 

How relatable is that? So often we keep ourselves from making shifts in our business like raising our prices, reducing our working hours, or changing our service menus because we’re scared that all our clients will stop coming to us. 

DeAnna was scared to follow through on the things she wanted to do because she lacked confidence in herself. 

Before she joined Rock Your Business she was filled with overwhelm and anxiety. She wasn’t confident in what she was doing in her business, despite being a skilled hairdresser. 

Oh my gosh, have I so been there! I want to normalize the feeling of not having it together, not feeling confident. 

It’s okay if you’re feeling like you’re missing a piece. The piece that’s missing is action and accountability. 

How To Hold Yourself Accountable

Surrounding yourself with a community of people who understand you and understand the struggles that you’re going through is HUGE when it comes to self-confidence. 

Jen says that the Rock Your Business community was extremely helpful to keep her accountable. 

Being able to share even the smallest of wins and having your cheerleaders behind your back is incredibly helpful for self-confidence. 

Jen got the support she needed from the RYB community. It’s a community where you get out of it what you put into it. 

For DeAnna, the live calls and the community were a wonderful support system. Having other creatives who are in the same situation, or feeling the same frustrations to bounce things off of and learning and growing together really boosts your confidence to keep going. 

Community is so important and definitely one of the biggest and best parts of Rock Your Business. 

Importance Of Accountability In Life

Rock Your Business will teach you how to raise your prices, set better boundaries, communicate effectively, attract your dream clients, get your finances in order and so much more. But without the community, it’s not the same. 

More often than not, we know the things that we should do, but without support and accountability, we don’t do them. 

It’s because of people like Jen and DeAnna and the other incredible professionals who have gone through Rock Your Business that make the community what it is. 

These Rock Stars are the reason that it’s such a loving, judgment-free, accepting space where you can show up as yourself and know that you’re safe sharing exactly where you’re at. 

We’ve had beauty professionals from around the globe and from all walks of life who have invested in themselves and made HUGE changes in their lives and businesses

Professionals who are making these changes and implementations in their businesses and getting more confident to take the actions they’ve been wanting to take.

That’s why taking action and having accountability is the answer to feeling more confident. With time and practice, it becomes a natural part of life. 

Confidence and Accountability Creates Results

I am so proud of Jen and DeAnna and I wanted to share the progress they’ve been making for themselves since completing Rock Your Business. 

Jen’s seen a huge transformation in her competence because of Rock Your Business. She’s been able to confidently enforce policies and boundaries in her business. 

DeAnna has almost tripled her revenue and is taking better care of her mental health. She knows that she’s making smart business decisions because of the tools she has available. 

She now is confident in running her business and enjoys that she can focus on being creative because she has the skillset to be successful. 

Success isn’t measured by the amount of money you bring in, it’s measured by your systems and how you handle running a business. 

My mission has always been to help change the industry. I want to help remove the stress, overwhelm and anxiety and help professionals truly rock it in their business. 

I struggled alone for so many years and the business advice that was out there didn’t work for me, my business, or my industry. 

I’m so excited to continually be giving back to our industry with my education (and this podcast). 

I wanted to make sure to ask Jen and DeAnna what they would tell others who are thinking about joining Rock Your Business

Jen would tell anyone who’s on the fence to go for it. It’s been so valuable for her as an independent stylist and she says that there’s something in it for every service provider. 

If you’re hesitant about the financial investment like Jen was; don’t be, you’ll earn that money back in no time. 

DeAnna would recommend Rock Your Business to everyone (and she does!). The professionals she’s referred to the program have experienced the same hesitations because they’re afraid to invest in themselves. Once they take the leap they wonder why they didn’t do it sooner. 

Rock Your Business is everything you need to succeed. You won’t regret joining. RYB is the #1 key to success in this industry right now. It’s step-by-step, absolutely foolproof and you get lifetime access.

How freaking cool is that? These Rock Stars are making HUGE moves in their businesses and I am so proud of them. 

I hope you enjoyed hearing their stories and that it’s helped to build some confidence in you. 

If you’re looking for community and accountability I’d love to see you at my FREE workshop that’s happening June 12 at 12 pm MST (11 am PST/1 pm CST/2 pm EST). 

It’s totally free and you’ll be hearing from other students about how they overcame the obstacles you’re currently struggling with. You can sign up here

See ya in the next one, friend!

Let’s be besties?