Posts in for solopreneurs
Salon Renos on a Budget

On Friday, October 2nd, 2015 I got the keys to my brand new, downtown Calgary salon. Almost exactly 1 year after moving here (I moved to Calgary on Sept 22, 2014).

When I first arrived I was working out of the basement of my rental home in the suburbs, not so patiently waiting for the perfect commercial space to pop up.

Even though I had my own salon back in Saskatchewan, I’d always done things on a very tight budget and I DIY’d a lot (and I am NOT a DIY’er). I didn’t truly understand just how much a professional designer could help.

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5 Simple Steps to Building Your Clientele

There’s no doubt about it, our industry took a big hit in 2020.

With covid, quarantines, and too many shutdowns to count, there’s no question that your biz looks different now than it did a year ago.

It might even be the first time in a long time that you need to rebuild your clientele. And with no end in sight to this pandemic you’re wondering:

“How the heck am I supposed to grow my business??”

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3 Simple Steps to Firing *THAT* Client

You wake up in the morning after a good night’s rest and you grab your phone to scroll through the ‘gram. As you open your phone you see a text notification from that client.

(Yup, you know who I’m talking about. Let’s be honest, they immediately came to your mind when you read that sentence)

You haven’t even gotten out of bed and you already know that you don’t want to deal with this today.

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Organization for the Creative Brain

Oh boy, you’re in for a treat today! I’ve got a very special guest who is near and dear to my heart, Amy Mitchell. Amy has not only revolutionized my business, she’s created systems that actually work for my creative brain.

I’m so honored that she’s joined me for this episode to share with you that it is possible to get organized in your biz, even if you’re an Anxious Creative like myself.

So, let’s dive in shall we?

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The 5 Key Steps to Dealing with Unhappy Clients

Let me take you back to fall of 2014. I had just recently moved to Calgary, after selling my home and my salon in another province, the only person I knew was my boyfriend.

I was two weeks into running my home-salon in my basement. I was pretty excited to be getting new clients booking in.

On this fateful Wednesday, I had one client I had previously seen in my chair finishing up, with another one (a new client) sitting patiently on my pink couch waiting for their appointment.

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I’m throwing it back to a classic episode of The Anxious Creative. This is one of the all-time favourite episode of my podcast and I’m really happy that we’re bringing it back.

‘Cause let’s be honest, you’re struggling with boundaries.

And I get it, I used to be the exact same way, I lived most of my life not even knowing what boundaries were. If someone asked something of me, I had to say “yes”.

I honestly didn’t think “no” was an option.

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How to Build a Clientele During a Pandemic

“Here’s my card, I’m a hairstylist and I’d love to do your hair sometime!”

(It all came out so quickly it probably sounded more like “heresmahcardimmahairstylistandidlovetodoyourhairsometime”) The grocery store clerk raised her eyebrow and awkwardly took the card from my hand.

“Uh… thanks...” she smiled and continued to ring my groceries through the till.

That’s how I got my start talking to strangers.

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Stepping Out From Behind the Chair

You’re in for double the fun this episode!

I’ve got two special guests with me, Nina Tulio and J Ladner. These two are so much fun, you definitely are gonna wanna listen in to this one.

J is a self-described “unicorn magician”, digital creative director for Oligo Professional, a stylist/salon suite owner in LA and an independent educator.

Nina is now a business consultant and the Business Education Ambassador for Oligo Professional. She’s been in the biz for 24 years, owned her salon for 11 of those and was a stylist for 20 years. She now travels and educates other salon owners on how to build their biz. Her teaching focuses on personal growth and development and business building.

Together, Nina and J host an incredibly honest and vulnerable podcast, No Stylist Left Behind. You might recognize one of their guests… (it’s me).

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The Nine Lives of Anatalie Nicole

I’ve got another amazing episode of the Anxious Creative for ya, with special guest Anatalie Nicole.

This incredible woman is making huge changes in the industry and the way salons are run and I’m pretty pumped that she’s joining us today.

We’ve been friends for several years now and it’s been such an immense pleasure to see how much she’s grown in the short time we’ve known each other.

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Making Big Moves In Business

We’re back at it again with another awesome episode of The Anxious Creative.

This week I’ve got my friend and student Jen Shattuck from Oregon coming to chat about moving across the country, learning new techniques and following your dreams.

She’s been in the hair industry for 14 years (a little longer if you count schooling). She had an amazing opportunity to start cosmetology education in high school. Before she took the class she could barely paint her nails or do makeup, she didn’t know anything about cosmetology!

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The #1 Thing You Must to Do to Succeed

I’m 15, ninth grade is almost over, summer vacation is looming and I’m working towards the biggest goal of my life.

I’ve wanted this for as long as I can remember.

I was working towards becoming a certified lifeguard. I took all the classes, spent hours and tons of my parents money learning.

Weekends were spent in the dingy basement of my small-town swimming pool building, learning and practicing to save lives.

I was pumped. There was one more course to take for me to get my official “Life Guard” title (including the sunglasses and whistle).

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Building brands and breaking stigmas

Oh I’ve got a treat for you today. Although I’m definitely still riding the high of my 5-part series with Lindsay Mayuga I’m super pumped to be bringing you this new episode.

I’ve got a very special guest today, my good friend, Piper De Young. I’m so excited to have her on the podcast.

Piper and I have known each other for years, yet we’ve only met IRL a handful of times. (Isn’t the internet such a cool way to meet new people?)Piper is a brand mentor (I actually get chills listening to her explain her job. She’s so passionate!) who helps stylists and make up artists with styling their brand. (Okay, I paraphrased her pretty badly ‘cause you gotta go and listen to her explain it! Seriously guys, chills.)

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Money (The Anxious Creative Makes Waves - Part 3)

Woooeee, get ready for another fun episode with Lindsay.

We’re onto Part 3 of our 5 part series The Anxious Creative Makes Waves. If you haven’t listened to part 1 or part 2 I’d definitely recommend going and checking those out. (They are seriously awesome, we talked about boundaries and worth).

This week we’re diving deep into all things money. (Did I just hear you take a sharp inhale? I promise, it’s not scary at all!)

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