Posts tagged hair stylist
What I Learned From My 1st 200k/yr Behind The Chair

Did you know that the average hairstylist makes $40,000/year? I’m on a mission to change that!

I’ve been in this industry for 20 years now, self-employed for 11 of those. I’d be lying if I said it’d been all smooth sailing. The truth is there’s been a lot of ups and downs, especially in my journey as a self-employed salon owner.

I remember the first year I hit the 6-figure mark, it was so exciting. But I didn't take home 6-figures.

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6 Steps To Handling Refund Requests & Negative Reviews

When I first started out in the industry, no one ever taught me how to properly handle refund requests or negative reviews. The thought of one made me so anxious.

I had so many questions…

  • What would I say?

  • How would other people react?

  • Would people think I’m a failure?

  • What if no one ever wants to see me again?

  • What should I do to make them happy?

And no one was giving me any answers.

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5 Simple Steps To Raising Your Prices As A Hairstylist

Fear can make us do some really crazy things.

Like not trying new techniques ‘cause we’re scared it won’t turn out, or not wearing that outfit because you get anxious thinking about what someone could say, maybe you’re scared of what your clients will think so you haven’t implemented that much-needed price increase.

Fear can hold us back from growing ourselves and our businesses.

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