Posts tagged hairstylist
What I Learned From My 1st 200k/yr Behind The Chair

Did you know that the average hairstylist makes $40,000/year? I’m on a mission to change that!

I’ve been in this industry for 20 years now, self-employed for 11 of those. I’d be lying if I said it’d been all smooth sailing. The truth is there’s been a lot of ups and downs, especially in my journey as a self-employed salon owner.

I remember the first year I hit the 6-figure mark, it was so exciting. But I didn't take home 6-figures.

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6 Steps To Handling Refund Requests & Negative Reviews

When I first started out in the industry, no one ever taught me how to properly handle refund requests or negative reviews. The thought of one made me so anxious.

I had so many questions…

  • What would I say?

  • How would other people react?

  • Would people think I’m a failure?

  • What if no one ever wants to see me again?

  • What should I do to make them happy?

And no one was giving me any answers.

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What Is Foilyage? Foilayage Technique On Dark Hair

I’m not shy to say I’ve had my fair share of mistakes… you know, like the BIGGEST hair mistake I ever made and how I handled it all wrong.

That being said, I’ve also learned a LOT. Like how to transform a client with natural brunette hair into a bright, blonde bombshell in a single session. Yup, you heard that right.

I’m walking you through step-by-step in this brunette foilyage tutorial so you can get stunning results that will WOW your clients and save you time and money.

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7 Steps To A Stunning Color Correction

It’s like when you have a color correction booked in and you stress about it and try to formulate your plan before even seeing your client’s hair. Color corrections used to keep me up at night.

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